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news_220For this competition, 43 authors presented over 100 works. After the initial selection of presented works Italian company „Pamar S.p.a.“ received 54 projects from 30 authors for final evaluation.
According to the curator of competition Nauris Kalinauskas, the quality of the projects was high. Some authors have sent in the  images of the readily produced prototypes.
The number of projects, and most importantly – the  quality of ideas, the completeness and originality of designs pleasently surprised „Pamar S.p.a.“ representatives. Competitive projects were judged by director Marco Redaelli and sales manager Umberto Vergani.

The winner of the contest is Project No. 101 by  Tomas Jasiulis. According to the evaluators, the handle has a sense of style and completeness, and does not require any additional comments. The winner was awarded a trip to this year’s Milan Design Week and the production facilities of Pamar S.p.a. Runner-up Bernardas Adomkus created the handle “Origami”. Evaluation of the jury: “This the handle – perfect minimalist design and functionality”. Designers Moses Kang and Julius Bučelis received honorable mentions. The jury noted the clean lines and shapes Moses Kang’s design and also emphasized the completeness of the technology and the precision tailored details.
Winning projects will be showcased at the  materials library “MATERIJOS” during the Design weekend on May 20-23.

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