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e“Design for All”: the results of workshops

Young design professionals from seven countries jointly develop projects aimed at demonstrating the potential of the water could be used by all groups of society. FromNovember 9 exhibited in Vilnius municipality. Opening of the exhibition hall andspecial expositions of public transport stops near the Academy of Arts and Gostautostreet. Part of the design proposals can be seen “live” – ​​a meadow near the Whitebridge built in entertainment furniture, and the waterfront near the King MindaugasBridge – amphitheatre seats prototypes (designer V. Puzeras). From November 21 toDecember 5 day exhibition will move to St. John Street Gallery, and then expected hertour in Lithuania together with the exhibition “Water and Life in the city.”

Workshop organized by Design Forum, led by their “EIDD – Design for All Europe, the specialists. Project “Design for All” is the Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009 Programme of the European School of Arts’ part.

Meeting with EIDD – Design for All Europe

October 11, Thursday at 10 am. there was a meeting-debate “quality of life throughDesign for All.”

During the meeting, EIDD – Design for All Europe’s leaders Finn Petren (President, Sweden) and Pete Kercher (Ambassador, Italy) presented the organization and its activities. This is a network organization, founded in 1993 in Ireland and the European Design Institute on behalf of the disability. EIDD today is probably the only one in the level of the organization, looking for ways to solve design problems caused by both human perception and artificial environment, to help everyone to live an active non-discriminatory society.

Much more information:

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