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We are happy to present you the result of “Lithuanian Design Forum” collaboration with Vilnius Academy of Arts, Department of Graphic Design – new LITHUANIAN DESIGN WEEK logo dedicated to already 10th anniversary festival. The new image was chosen by “Lithuanian Design Forum” members and LITHUANIAN DESIGN WEEK coordinators from all five cities – Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Telšiai and Šiauliai.

The main task for students was to create modern and easily adaptable logo. The aim of the contest was to provide creative freedom – proposals do not necessarily had to reflect butterfly motif that had been already used in LITHUANIAN DESIGN WEEK visual communication for a decade. Students carefully analyzed all the previous logos and offered more than 20 new versions of the logo.

Minimalistic logo with nature motif and vital designer tool – pencil, created by Mindaugas Dūdėnas, was favorited the most. Logo also conveys features of Baltic ethnos and it is a good way to distinguish LITHUANIAN DESIGN WEEK from other countries.

In the second place – butterfly motif interpretation by Aurelija Mockevičiūtė. The logo was still related to usual DESIGN WEEK logo but contained new version of butterfly – butterfly consists of two boards that create the impression of space. The forms of the logo are based on styled copy of origami butterfly. Paper that is used for origami, symbolizes transiency (only 7 days of the festival), origami culture represents  accuracy and systematic nature. As well as three-dimensional butterfly details, reminiscent of polished rocks, symbolize the strength and durability.

The third place – the logo by Arnas Augutis. The motif of ruler represent dynamics, reflects seven days and change.

All the winners were awarded with annual subscription of magazine CENTRAS.

“Lithuanian Design Forum” is thankful for professional help to Vilnius Academy of Arts, Department of Graphic Design, associate professor  Robertas Jucaitis and all the students of second course.

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