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October 5-8 annual exhibition FURNITURE. INTERIOR. DESIGN 2017 took place at LITEXPO exhibition center. This international exhibition has been successfully establishing relations between furniture design, production and business for the third decade. Every year, the exhibition gathers together manufacturers and retailers from Lithuania and abroad, demonstrates the latest trends in furniture production and interior design to specialists and final users interested in the novelties on the furniture market.

Lithuanian Design Forum in collaboration with the organizers of the event LITEXPO, presented DESIGN GALLERY which was established in Hall 3.

The first floor of the gallery was dedicated to professional Lithuanian designers. Participants:

EcolinumEMKOIDDOINDIKiTAIPNamuosRASA designRūta BūtėnaitėSilvija JuozelskytėVytautas GečasMindaugas ŽilionisSedes Regia.

The second floor of the gallery gathered works of young designers. Students from Vilnius academy of arts and Vilnius Gediminas technical university presented their latest projects. Young brands joined the exposition as well – Native Universal CeramicsPho CeramicsAgnė KučerenkaitėEvelina Kudabaitė.

Initiative Design fund invited to learn something new about the history of Lithuanian design and the most important design achievements from the 70’s.

Invalid Displayed Gallery

October 7 visitors were also invited to listen to short presentations about the exhibits.

Project is partially funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.

Information partner: magazine CENTRAS.



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